Feeding the Roadmap with Feedback

Feedback RoadmapWe’re approaching the end of Q1, and that means it’s time to plan Q2. Each quarter I need to produce a one-year (4 quarter) roadmap, and with Jenni starting at the beginning of Q2 on April 1st, it’s a perfect opportunity to involve her in to the roadmap plan that she’ll be helping execute. Luckily she’s willing to help out with planning while still doing her current role.

One tool that I use to help prioritize product work is an affinity map of direct customer feedback. Each month our Customer Experience team deploys a monthly survey to collect both quantitative and qualitative customer feedback. The survey has the customer rate our products numerically on several scales and gives them the opportunity to deliver unstructured feedback. I receive an email after each survey response, and for each customer who makes a comment, I print it out on a card such as this:

Template Feedback Card

I then organize the feedback into grouped possible product solutions, like “Performance Enhancements”, “New Import Tool”, or “User Management.” On a wall or window, I mark a column for ‘Delivered’, ‘Q2’, ‘Q3’, ‘Q4’, ‘Q1’, and ‘TBD’ (as shown in the photo above.) These cared groupings are placed in either one of the four upcoming quarters, or TBD, to show how customer feedback is addressed by upcoming product solutions.

With the new quarter coming, I worked with Jenni to clear off the old board and rebuild it from scratch. I reprinted the cards, got some tape and markers, and we got to work. It was a great time for several reasons:

  • It was an opportunity to collaborate on not only the next quarter’s plan, but also to look at the upcoming quarters that Jenni would get to help more directly plan.
  • The activity of cutting, taping, and marking was a fun way to get away from the laptops and get some “arts and crafts” time, leading to great conversations.
  • It was satisfying to get a project done together. When starting a new team or project, it’s always a great idea to start with a success, no matter how small. Everyone starts with a sense of accomplishment, even if it’s as simple as taking a pile of cards and getting them taped to a wall in this case.

Getting the feedback wall updated for the next quarter was great, and showed both of us how we’re addressing the majority of customer feedback in the new plan. It sets the foundation for Why we’re building new products as we progress to defining the How.

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